
Safeguarding Notice

St Gabriel’s RC Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. All staff, governors and volunteers are expected to share this commitment. For more information please see our safeguarding policy which can be found under Key Information > Policies > Safeguarding Policy.

Please read our latest Ofsted report from February 2024
St Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Primary School


Understanding and using pronouns: ‘he’ and ‘she’

Why is this important?
Pronouns are words that replace a noun or a person (e.g. the boy – ‘he’; the girl – ‘she’). Other pronouns include ‘I’, ‘you’ and ‘they’.

What to do

  • Find two character toys – one must be a girl (e.g. Barbie) and the other a boy (e.g. Buzz Lightyear, Spiderman).
  • Gather together several everyday items (e.g. brush, cup, spoon, flannel).
  • Demonstrate that the toys can do lots of different things (e.g. brush hair, wash face). Say:

‘He’s washing.’
‘She’s jumping.’

  • Can the child choose the correct character to relate to the pronoun?
  • Share books and use pronouns to talk about what’s happening (e.g. ‘he’s running’, ‘she’s skipping’).
  • Talk about what children are doing in the park when you are out for a walk, or on the bus. Use a lead-in phrase to help the child relate the pronoun to the male/female, e.g. ‘Look at that boy, he’s hopping.’ ‘Can you see that lady? She’s eating.’