
Safeguarding Notice

St Gabriel’s RC Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. All staff, governors and volunteers are expected to share this commitment. For more information please see our safeguarding policy which can be found under Key Information > Policies > Safeguarding Policy.

Please read our latest Ofsted report from February 2024
St Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Primary School

Year Three

Hello and welcome to Year 3's page! My name is Miss Reynolds and I am so excited to be teaching Year 3 this year! There is lots of fun and learning to be had! :) Please find lots of information below, and if you have any questions, I am always available at the end of each school day and can be contacted via Seesaw.




Seesaw is used to: 


  • Communicate with parents 
  • Share photographs and activities of the children's work and experiences
  • Set homework




We have PE every Tuesday, and we ask for all children to come into school wearing their PE kit on this day please.




Homework is set every Thursday. We would greatly appreciate a photograph to be sent via the SEESAW app to show your child's work. At the start of the school year, all children were provided with a set of five workbooks linked to Maths and English which are used for homework. These books cover the content of the Year 3 curriculum and have been purchased by the school to help your child re-enforce the learning that is taught in class. As answers are in the back, they do not need to be returned to school for marking. If however, when working through these, you discover an area of the curriculum with which your child is really struggling, then please let me know via seesaw and I will do my very best to offer support.


Home / School Reading:


Please ensure that children's reading packs are brought into school each and every day.


All children have been provided with a new reading pack that includes:


  • An Accelerated Reader Book
  • A Reading Journal (Please aim to fill this in three times a week, when you read with your child.)
  • A Reading Activity Booklet (Your child can complete an activity in this booklet at any time.)
  • A Reading Bookmark (This contains question prompts that you can use when reading with your child. The bookmark includes all eight reading domains or skills that your child needs to practise.)


Accelerated Reader:


Along with the new reading packs, the school are now using Accelerated Reader to help boost children’s interest and engagement in reading.


Children have a wide range of books from which to choose (their Zone of Proximal Development). After completing their book, they take a little quiz that ranges from 5 to 10 questions, depending on the complexity of the text. This quiz may be taken at home or at school - a link is available towards the bottom of the page and your child has a copy of their username and password in their reading pack. Through these quizzes, children build up points and work towards a target. This helps the children to see their progress as they read through their chosen books.

Long Term Curriculum Map: 2021 - 2022

Useful Websites
