
Safeguarding Notice

St Gabriel’s RC Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. All staff, governors and volunteers are expected to share this commitment. For more information please see our safeguarding policy which can be found under Key Information > Policies > Safeguarding Policy.

Please read our latest Ofsted report from February 2024
St Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Primary School


Welcome to

St Gabriel's RC Primary School

This is a brief outline of the learning that will take place in Reception during the Autumn term.

Our year 6 Buddies welcomed us into St Gabriel's RC Primary School. We celebrated St Gabriel's day with an ice cream!

We have been learning about

"Our 5 Senses."

In our maths we have been learning our numbers, how to count, recognise and order them. We have been learning how to add 2 groups together. We have been making repeating patterns.

In literacy we have been reading lots of books that help us with sequencing a story.

We have been reading lots of books; 'Grandpas Handkerchief' where Grandpa has a different colour handkerchief for each day and a different event. 'No room for Baby Roo' where Baby Roo wants to share his mothers cosy pouch with all his friends but soon learns he has no where to sleep! 'The Big Red Bath' has lots of characters who want to take a bath but with all that water and bubbles there's going to be trouble!

We have also read 'Kippers party.' We made Kippers cake but it was too smelly and disgusting to eat! So we followed a recipe and made some lovely cup cakes that we decoreated and did eat!

In RE we have learnt that we are very special. God loves us all very much and knows us by our names. We have learnt our prayers and how to say thank you to God. We have learnt about the Rosery.

We have had so much fun in our first half term at school!

Our topic this term is about;

'Our Community and the people who help us.'

We have had lots of people come to tell us about their jobs and how they help us.

The Fire fighters came and told us how they help us. They told us why they had special uniforms.

Our grown ups came to 'Stay and Play.' They helped us make fireworks then we sang bonfire songs and shared black peas and parkin.

Mrs Hogg-Mears who is a nurse came to tell us how she helps us in the hospital.

Mr Stearn from Rochdale library came to read us some stories. He would like us to join our community library and take books to read to our grown ups.

Mr Ingham is our community postman. He came to tell us about delivering letters and he delivered us a letter!

Father Michael is our Priest at St Gabriel's Church. He came to Baptise our baby Ethan.

We have been reading;

'We're going on a Bear Hunt.'

On our hunt we found the bears cave and inside was a letter. The letter was from Mr Bear. He said he was not chasing up to eat us he wanted to be our friend. So we invited him to come and play with us.

The season is changing. The leaves are falling off the trees and its getting very cold!

During the month of November we thought and prayed for all our family and friends who have died and we gave a special thought for those people who were killed in the world wars.

We made a special poppy to remember all the people who have been killed during world wars.

Our assembly on 'How God created the world.'

We planted some bulbs and prayed to God to help us look after them and help them to grow in the spring time.

We made some Diwali lanterns to help celebrate the Hindu 'Festival of light.'

Many of us filled 'shoe boxes' with gifts for the children in Romania.

Father Michael came to visit us and Baptised our baby Ethan. Then we celebrated Ethan being welcomed into the family of God.

Advent- During this time we are getting ready for the birthday of Jesus on Christmas Day.

We have made Advent wreaths to take home and share with our families. We can light a candle each week during Advent.

Mr Ingham one of our school governors came to help us pray and light our first candle on our Advent wreath. He then read us the story of 'The First Christmas.'

We made a Christingle. The orange represents the world, the red ribbon represents the blood of Christ, the sticks point to the 4 corners of the world, the currents represent the food God has provided and the candle represents the light God has given us to follow.

Happy New Year


Chinese New Year

Happy New Year

We painted and decorated a dragon..

In our music and PE lessons we practised a dragon dance then performed it at the Chinese New Year celebration assembly.

Our buddies made us Chinese New Year cards. We told our buddies how we had made our dragon and how we had practised our dance. Our buddies told us all about the Year of the Rooster for Chinese New Year.

We have been very creative using our fine motor skills to weave and decorate natural objects we found in our outdoor area.

We have an exciting summer term starting.

 We will be looking at:

"New life" and "How things grow"

Curriculum News letter for YR Summer Term 1 2017
