
Safeguarding Notice

St Gabriel’s RC Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. All staff, governors and volunteers are expected to share this commitment. For more information please see our safeguarding policy which can be found under Key Information > Policies > Safeguarding Policy.

Please read our latest Ofsted report from February 2024
St Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Primary School


Using ‘in’ and ‘on’ at the simplest level


Why is this important?
Prepositions are words that describe the position of an object (e.g. ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘under’ and ‘behind’). They are useful foundations for describing physical relationships in the world around.

What to do

  • Gather together some toys and place them around the room: put them ‘in’ and ‘on’ things.
  • As the child locates an object, encourage him/her to say where the preposition is being used (e.g. ‘in’ cup; ‘on’ bed).
  • If the child makes a mistake or doesn’t respond, offer a choice (e.g. ‘Is the car in or on the box?’).
  • When all the toys have been seen, change places and encourage the child to place them this time, and then tell you where to look, using the preposition.