Welcome to
St. Gabriel's RC Primary
Phew! What a busy start to our school journey.
We have been very busy this Autumn half term. We have learnt about our 5 senses. We have made our own special glasses and when we wear them we can use our imagination and visit far away lands! We touched lots of different materials. Some were soft, hard, bumpy, cold and some were squidgy! We listened to sounds outside and try to guess which instruments were being played. We wrote recipes for smelly potions then made our potions they were rather smelly! We had a lovely tasting session some foods were sour, some were sweet and some made our tongues fizz. We made a tally chart and our favourite was custard cream biscuits!
St Gabriel's Day
The 29th September was St Gabriel's Day. We were welcomed into our school by our buddies in Year 6. We made hats and our buddies gave up prayer cards to make us feel welcome. We celebrated with an ice-cream!
We have been reading lots of books in our literacy lessons. We have looked at the character's in the story, we have been sequencing the story and acting the stories out. We looked at
'Grandpa's Handkerchief' and sequences the days of the week with the colours of grandpa's handkerchiefs and the activities he did on each day.
We read 'No Room for Baby Roo' and sequenced the animals going into Mummy's pouch. We made some big splashes when we read 'The Big Red Bath' and all the animals jumped into the bath! We have been mark making and writing.
We have been working hard learning out numbers, counting, recognising and ordering them. We have made repeating patterns and sorted objects into groups.
This term we have been looking at life cycles. We received some tiny caterpillars. We fed them and watched them grow into very big caterpillars. They then made their cocoon and we waited for them to turn into butterflies.
We have a visitor in our outdoor area its so exciting. We found a door and wondered who lived there. We wrote letters to ask who it was. We got a reply, its a Fairy called Ester! We haven't seen her yet but we will sent her more letters maybe she will come to meet us!
Harry and Meghan are getting married. We made a wedding cake and had a celebration.
For our literacy this term we have been reading "Farmyard Hullabaloo" and "Farmer Duck" to enhance our topic on new life and our story books we visited Smithills Open Farm to see the animals that live on the farm. We met some 6 day old piglets, some baby chicks and some new born calves.