
Safeguarding Notice

St Gabriel’s RC Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. All staff, governors and volunteers are expected to share this commitment. For more information please see our safeguarding policy which can be found under Key Information > Policies > Safeguarding Policy.

Please read our latest Ofsted report from February 2024
St Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Primary School


Learning to remember and then say the names of three things

Why is this important?
Verbal understanding can be likened to a ‘list’ of things that need to be remembered in order to carry out a task. If, for example, a three-word instruction is given (e.g. ‘Wash doll’s face’), the child has to remember ‘wash’, ‘doll’ and ‘face’. If he/she can’t do this, it may be that auditory memory is not yet sufficiently developed.

What to do

  • Gather together a selection of pictures of everyday things. These could be cards or cut out from magazines.
  • Place a few cards (i.e. four) face-down on the table.
  • Choose three cards but don’t show them to the child.
  • Look at the cards and say what they are (e.g. ‘I’ve got a hat, a cup and a pencil’). Ask: ‘Can you remember what cards I’ve got?’
  • If the child is right, show your cards and reinforce: ‘Well done! A hat, a cup and a pencil!’
  • If the child finds it difficult or remembers only one or two items, repeat what cards you have, emphasising the key words (e.g. ‘I’ve got hat, cup and pencil’).
  • Try the activity with some action pictures (e.g. ‘doll is sitting’, ‘boy jumping bed’). Can the child copy these three-word phrases?