
Safeguarding Notice

St Gabriel’s RC Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. All staff, governors and volunteers are expected to share this commitment. For more information please see our safeguarding policy which can be found under Key Information > Policies > Safeguarding Policy.

Please read our latest Ofsted report from February 2024
St Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Primary School

St Gabriel's in the Community

In all that we do, we believe that our children can and do make a positive difference in their school environment, in their local community, in the wider community and as responsible Global Citizens. 


Local Community:

  • There are strongly established links between our parish and school community.
  • As part of our multi-faith teaching, linked to our ‘Come and See’ RE scheme we are exploring links between other faith communities through our involvement with other schools and visits to a variety of places of worship.
  • Each year at Harvest time we encourage our children to donate non-perishable goods which are donated to the local food bank.
  • In December we participate in a Christingle Service (a tradition originating in Germany) with St’. John’s School.
  • As part of our Epiphany celebrations we ask for donations of items useful to mothers and babies. These are then given to Gabriel Court in Rochdale which provides care and accommodation for young mothers and their babies.
  • We also support Castleton Amateur Dramatics Society, who make use of our hall to stage a pantomime during Spring half term.
  • The school choir is involved in a number of events including singing at the local Castleton Christmas lights switch on and at our local Old People’s home during December.
  • Our local Councilor, Mr. Billy Sheerin, is a frequent visitor to the school and ensures that we play an active part in Rochdale in Bloom each year. We have also worked with the local Coop to promote Fair Trade.
  • Our Summer fair is supported by local businesses who provide raffle prizes and hire stalls.
  • During Lent each year our children contribute to the St. Joseph’s Penny collection which is used by Caritas to fund Local and National causes.


National Community:

  • We support the Macmillan Appeal every September with a Macmillan coffee morning.
  • Throughout November, our community supports Remembrance via the National Poppy Appeal. 
  • During Lent each year our children contribute to the St. Joseph’s Penny collection which is used by Caritas to fund Local and National causes.


Global Community:

  • We support CAFOD’s World Gifts scheme. 
  • We participate in the Rotary Shoe Box Scheme.
  • At Christmas, rather sending Christmas cards staff choose make a donation to charity. 
  • We support education throughout the developing world for example sending stationery supplies to schools in Malawi. 
  • In addition we respond to unforeseen world events and emergencies. An example of this includes the fundraising planting project in support of the Ukraine Appeal. 