Our school attendance is excellent which is down to the hard work and team effort of both staff and parents. Regular attendance at school is essential to promote the education of all children – good attendance directly impacts on their achievement. As children develop and prepare for their next stages of education and employment, they need to see good attendance and punctuality as essential qualities valued by others and employers. This is an important time for children to establish good habits early on, make friendships and grow in confidence. Our staff seek to inspire every child with a passion for learning which will demonstrate to them that their presence in school is important and that they are missed when they are absent or late.
What is expected of school?
- To maximise the attendance of all our children.
- To promote and reward good attendance.
- To provide an environment which encourages regular attendance and makes attendance and punctuality a priority for everyone?
- To contact parents and make home visits where appropriate if a reason for absence has not been provided.
- To monitor and support children whose attendance is a cause for concern and work in partnership with parents and carers to resolve any difficulties.
- To work closely with and make full use of the support from the wider community including the Education Welfare Service and multi-agency teams
What is expected of parents and carers?
- To keep their child’s absence to a minimum. Arrange dentist and medical appointments out of school time where possible.
- To provide a reason for any period of absence, before the absence or on the first day of absence before 9.15 am for safeguarding reasons.
- To ensure that their child arrives on time, properly dressed, with the right equipment and in a condition to learn. A reason should be offered for any lateness.
- To enter the school grounds via the playground gate and to be in charge of their child until the bell sounds. Children should be in line by the time the bell sounds at 8.45 am and in class no later than the second bell at 8.50 am.
- To work closely with the school and the Education Welfare Officer to resolve any issues that may impede a child’s attendance.
- To be aware of curriculum requirements and be especially vigilant with regards to attendance during important times such as Assessment weeks and SATs tests.
- To support their child and recognise successes and achievements.
- To keep school updated should contact numbers or address details change.
- To arrange school holidays out of term time. Holidays in term time are not considered as exceptional circumstances and will not be authorised.
To read the latest Attendance Policy, see below: