
Safeguarding Notice

St Gabriel’s RC Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. All staff, governors and volunteers are expected to share this commitment. For more information please see our safeguarding policy which can be found under Key Information > Policies > Safeguarding Policy.

Please read our latest Ofsted report from February 2024
St Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Primary School

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 2020 - 2021

Important ongoing information

PE - PE has been changed to WEDNESDAY morning

as we have a professional coach teaching us skills for balance and coordination.

Please come to school in your P.E. kit on a WEDNESDAY.


Homework will be added to the web page or handed out on a Friday.

Due to COVID guidelines regarding contamination, please do not return the homework to school. We would greatly appreciate a photograph to be sent via the SEESAW app to show your child's work.


This week we will be reading a book called 'Grandpa's Handkerchiefs'. This book focuses on the days of the week, colours and sequencing the events Grampa has each day with a different colour handkerchief.

Ask your child which colour handkerchief Grandpa used and what happened on each day. There are also 3 other events that happened, can your child tell you about them?

Week Beginning 28th September 2020

This week we are looking at Traditional Tales, in particular The Tree Billy Goats Gruff. We will look at how traditional stories open and end. We will be re telling the story and acting it out. We will writing speech bubbles for the characters in the story. Please look at other traditional stories, Little Red Riding Hood, The Elves and the Shoe makers etc and discuss the structure and settings of the tales.


This week we have been focusing on counting forward and backward and recognising missing numbers.  We have been reading and matching the word for a number with its numeral. We have also been looking at sorting objects into groups.

This week we have been looking at numbers that are "greater than" "less than" or "equal to each other". We have been using crocodiles to eat the biggest number. the sentence we are saying is: 8 is greater than 7 or 5 is less than 9 or 3 is equal to 3.


In Science this term we will be looking at changes all around us. We will be looking at the changes in our seasons and our weather patterns. We will be observing what is happening to our trees and plants and taking not of the change in the weather conditions, making a recording of the daily weather. We will be discussing how we have to change our clothing and what the differences are between the clothes we wear each season. We will be looking at how the weather changing  has an affects our wildlife animals and discuss hibernation.


This term we will be focusing on 'Our Families'. We will be discussing who is in our family and why they are special to us and why we are special the our families. 

This half term we will be looking at the life of Florence Nightingale. Who she was, what she did and what she achieved. We will be comparing the hospital care in the Crimean War and what Florence did to help our soldiers. We will be looking at how Florence developed the hospitals and comparing hospital care then to our current NHS services. 